Friday, August 17, 2012

Wisconsin Suncatcher & Egyptian Lamp

So I'm not the type of girl that goes to Home Goods to buy decorations (but I do have an Etsy jewelry addiction...). Our home is a collection of things from where we have traveled. I started traveling Europe when I was 18 and Dustin moved to Amsterdam when he was 22 so we have accumulated things from all over the world.

Not to mention an entire honeymoon collection of souvenirs from Indonesia, Thailand and Egypt. A bit of a travel addiction but we make it work :)

Okay so the stories behind these two new living room window additions are:

> Wisconsin Rainbow Sun Catcher - I love rainbows. I love color. (I love lamp?). And rainbows remind me of my MamMam, who passed away almost 2 years ago. My brother Sammy B lived in Janesville, Wisconsin for a year and he got me this for Christmas from a store we had visited over Thanksgiving that year. Another item that makes me smile every time I see it.

> Egyptian Lamp - We picked this beauty up on the last day of our honeymoon in Cairo. Cairo was so beautiful and magical, even better and more mystical than I'd imagined. This lamp reminds me of walking through the Bazar in Cairo.

D doing his thing

Just bought some chain from the hardware store for like $2 and hooks

Happy windows :) With Putu prayer mirror from Bali in the middle

Wisconsin Rainbow Suncatcher

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Egyptian Lamp

Straight from Cairo


love love love the Cairo lamps

Cairo Bazar

D and the wonderful woman we purchased the lamp from (and a handmade necklace!)

From Cairo to NYC

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