Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1st - How Far We've Come

I'm a date freak. I love them. I have a creepy mind that remembers birthdays, anniversaries, meeting dates, etc.

August 1st is no different:

- D and I hung out for the first time 4 years ago on 8/1/08
First time hanging out as co-workers

- D and I moved in together on 8/1/10
Moving into the studio together

- D and I will celebrate our 2 1/2 year anniversary on 8/1/12
Started dating on 2/1/10

It's so fun to see how far we have progressed together, first as friends, then dating and now as husband and wife.

Apartment wise, for impatient me, these first 4.5 months of un-organization and no furniture were tedious. But we were determined to take our time and not blow our budget just to get shiz done. It was well worth the wait.
We will always be working on improving the apartment and we have a lot more ideas to implement, but it's nice at this point to have the main things done and start decorating the place!

March 2012 - our second NYC apartment together

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