Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bedroom Updates

So the bedroom is moving slowly but surely. It was the first room we painted and set up, but then our main focus has been the living room (besides organizing our closets).

We have yet to hang up ANYTHING in the bedroom yet and besides a few frames on our one dresser, it is bare. Don't love it but we know it's worth taking it slow and not rushing anything.

We have a large batik we purchased - surprise - on our honeymoon in Bali that is going to be a focal point of the room. We need to find time to go get it framed.

But the next big thing is painting it all WHITE! White bed, white mirror frame, white dresser. Crisp and clean bedroom colors. Then we'll add color in from the picture frames (I'm obsessed with pictures) and artwork.

Until all of that can be accomplished (while working hard and trying to relax and enjoy summer), we made 2 quick updates.

First is a star lamp I purchase in Asheville, North Carolina on my first trip to visit D's parents who live in Tennessee. I love the colors and it gives the whole room a really cool blue glow.

Then we painted the inside of our closet doors. It was my idea. It's like the inside of my locker haha. My closet is mellow yellow and D's closet is grey. We always keep the closet doors closed so it's fun to see a pop of color when you open the door. And I'll prob add pictures and shiz in the future :)

Asheville star

Mellow Yellow for S
Asheville star at night

I hate the bedroom nipple light

D sent me this iPhone shot of the star glowing in our room one night 

D's grey door

Can't wait to finish up that dresser

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