Monday, September 10, 2012

September Bedroom Lamp Swap & Mirror Hanging

So we had a super productive weekend and finally cleared out our mess/tool corner in the living room. While we were at it, D mentioned he wanted to get a taller lamp for the living room and ditch the white Ikea lamp. I had a John & Sherry moment and realized we could swap it out for the lamp in the bedroom! It worked our perfectly and we don't have to buy a new lamp :)

We also finally hung up the mirror over the dresser and it is amazeballs. Reflects light and now I have a place to get ready in the morning!

Tall lamp in bedroom... time to mooove

Hoarding this tall ladder from our super for projects... 

Before mirror

Before lamp switch

New perfect bedroom lamp!
Lamp before in living room

Fits in perfectly in our new clean corner

Perfectionist :)

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