Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bali Map & Flowers Shadowbox

Bali was my favorite country on our honeymoon. Although I loved everywhere we went - Bali has a special place in my heart. The people made the country - they were all caring and wonderful. There were offerings with beautiful flowers and incense burning EVERYWHERE (like, burning in the car everywhere). I am obsessed with incense to begin with, and a country that smells like incense = heaven.
D found this hand drawn map of Bali, and we went out and got a bunch of fake flowers that looks like Bali flowers, and a shadowbox. We burned half an incense, and had our own special Honeymoon Bali Box!


D pinning the Bali map

Elephant crafting pants, of course


Bali Box
Inspiration > Honeymoon pic from Bali - offerings piled up at a Temple

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