Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Slooowly transforming the living room

Over our super productive September weekend we finally got a bunch of things sorted and the living room is progressively (slowly) looking better! We both work until 7/8pm these days, so we don't have a lot of spare time to work on the apartment. It's nice to knock out big organization projects in one day!

Picture frame collection... where to hang?!

D bought industrial extension cords and nailed them into the baseboards so they're more discreet

Finally got the microwave plugged up 

Neat little corner :)

New lamp and cords in place

Getting there...

Want to get some canvas prints...

Deciding what size we want

Got rid of a lot of stuff we don't need anymore!

In progress....... painful for the OCD

Think we're going to make them bigger now... haha always revising!

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