Friday, November 30, 2012

Six Favorite Moments - Canvas Prints

At 8 months after moving in, we can finally say we put the finishing touches on the apartment! We finally added in and made all major changes that we really wanted done. It took us 8 months but it was so worth doing everything ourselves (ok - D did everything, and I just kept it organized) and finding things on sale instead of rushing through it all.
I'll have to do another final before and after post - along with other updates we make along the way!

The finishing touches - six canvas prints of our favorite moments in time together :) These are all photos I have taken throughout our travels. It means the world to me that D loves my photography so much he would blow the images up and make them the focus of our room! I am a very lucky woman :)

Favorite Moments: Puerto Rico (sunset we got engaged), Amsterdam, Thailand, Bali, Egypt, Iceland
~ Favorite trips SO FAR, but many more to come and we can keep updating them :)

Panoramic shot courtesy of my new iPhone5 :) 

Full room shot

our heaven

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bali Map & Flowers Shadowbox

Bali was my favorite country on our honeymoon. Although I loved everywhere we went - Bali has a special place in my heart. The people made the country - they were all caring and wonderful. There were offerings with beautiful flowers and incense burning EVERYWHERE (like, burning in the car everywhere). I am obsessed with incense to begin with, and a country that smells like incense = heaven.
D found this hand drawn map of Bali, and we went out and got a bunch of fake flowers that looks like Bali flowers, and a shadowbox. We burned half an incense, and had our own special Honeymoon Bali Box!


D pinning the Bali map

Elephant crafting pants, of course


Bali Box
Inspiration > Honeymoon pic from Bali - offerings piled up at a Temple

Monday, November 26, 2012

Ultimate Dresser Makeover!!

I am so unbelievably excited about my new dresser. Pretty ridic - but this makes such a big difference in both the piece of furniture and the bedroom! So I'm super excited so let me be. D did such a great job - he painted everything, even fixed my drawers! Then he added new knobs I got from Anthro that totally make the piece.



D removed all the hardware and drawers and started sanding!

First coat of paint!

Filling in the other knob holes to make room for my new ones


Drawers in, Knobs in :)

I love these too much

knobby knobs

Top of my dresser :)

Our ring holder from Thailand :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bedroom - New Comforter & Floating Shelves

We finally got a new comforter (comfy cozy) and D installed floating shelves on the other side of the wall - across from the frame collage. Everything goes together perfectly and it's great to have more shelves to keep all our travel knick knacks on!

Forgot to get action shots - but here they are!

Final shot - with the grey comforter



Monday, November 19, 2012

Bali Honeymoon Gods Takeover the Bedroom

One of our biggest purchases on the honeymoon was a large, beautiful batik we purchased in Bali. It is bright and beautiful - and depicts the Balinese honeymoon god and goddess. It was our biggest art investment so far, but so worth it! It's going to be expensive to get it framed (we've gotten several quotes), so for right now we have it just hanging by 2 teeny tiny safety pins that won't leave a mark. It's nice to finally have it hanging up after having it boxed up for 6 months post honeymoon.

Love that you can see it in every mirror reflection!

The vacuum just hanging out while we create a mess

Looks amazeballs with the finished room!
D admiring his hard work :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Creating a Bedroom Frame Collage

8 months in... we are finally hanging frames in the bedroom!! I was so excited, and it was one of the finishing touches in the bedroom that really made it feel like home. We have mainly all black and white frames, so we just hung up the black and white ones on the wall. We wanted it to be a more scattered look, so we just hung one - and then the rest how we wanted them. No measuring = awesome.

Hanging frames in an organized, random matter :)

Random Love

Oh yeah we hung up candle holder things on either side too!

Random perfection, with room to add on :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Updating the Bedroom Mirror

We purchased this long, standing mirror on Amazon as an alternative to a dorm like wall hanging mirror. It was light wood, but D painted it white and it looks much nicer, and fits in with the newly paint white dresser too!

Starting out

Looking good D!
Finished product in its home :)