Friday, September 14, 2012

Chalkboard & Front Door are coming together

Woo! My Mom found us some white chalk so we are in business now! D has started sketching and I have started my lists :) We also added a H decal on our front door, which covers the ugly mess that was left before.

Ignore the mess... progress in organizing!

Love my lists <3

Surfer D <3

New decal!!

Front door view

Front door - before decal

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dimming the bedroom lights

While we work on figuring out what chandelier we want to get for the bedroom, D installed a light dimmer. The wires were super duper old but D did a great job! It's so nice to have the dimmed light option, makes a bigger different than I thought it would!

Ready to go

Removing the original plate

Scares me

Old ass wire

Brand new girl

Dimmed beauty

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Slooowly transforming the living room

Over our super productive September weekend we finally got a bunch of things sorted and the living room is progressively (slowly) looking better! We both work until 7/8pm these days, so we don't have a lot of spare time to work on the apartment. It's nice to knock out big organization projects in one day!

Picture frame collection... where to hang?!

D bought industrial extension cords and nailed them into the baseboards so they're more discreet

Finally got the microwave plugged up 

Neat little corner :)

New lamp and cords in place

Getting there...

Want to get some canvas prints...

Deciding what size we want

Got rid of a lot of stuff we don't need anymore!

In progress....... painful for the OCD

Think we're going to make them bigger now... haha always revising!

Monday, September 10, 2012

September Bedroom Lamp Swap & Mirror Hanging

So we had a super productive weekend and finally cleared out our mess/tool corner in the living room. While we were at it, D mentioned he wanted to get a taller lamp for the living room and ditch the white Ikea lamp. I had a John & Sherry moment and realized we could swap it out for the lamp in the bedroom! It worked our perfectly and we don't have to buy a new lamp :)

We also finally hung up the mirror over the dresser and it is amazeballs. Reflects light and now I have a place to get ready in the morning!

Tall lamp in bedroom... time to mooove

Hoarding this tall ladder from our super for projects... 

Before mirror

Before lamp switch

New perfect bedroom lamp!
Lamp before in living room

Fits in perfectly in our new clean corner

Perfectionist :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bathroom Decorating

Living in an NYC apartment you learn not to expect much from the bathroom. I'm just happy I have a shower with a tub - lots of apartments only have standing showers. But that's why the location rocks and is worth all the crazy apartment adventures in NYC.

We finally got around to decorating the bathroom this weekend. We spread out the pile of picture frames we had laying around and hung up 5 new pieces in the bathroom. It's so nice to have it more decorated and finally get some things hung up.

The bathroom light assault

Green Pond - where we got married & Scandals - variety show my Grandpa used to produce in GP!

Drawings our little cousins made for us

Love how the mirror reflects the other frames hanging