Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Experience Hurricane Sandy from the Upper West Side

We recently lived through Hurricane Sandy with the rest of New York City and the Northeast. We were very fortunate to not lose any power, heat or water. The storm was terrifying though, and we had a scary night in the apartment with lots of rain and very loud winds. Our windows shook the entire night, and the giant tree in front of our building was ripped out of the sidewalk. I was certain the other tree would crash through our windows - which actually ended up happening to our neighbors down the street. Below are some of the pictures we took before, during and after the storm.

Before & After

Our treetop window view - Before & After

Street view - Before & After

Loooong lines at the grocery store on Sunday before the storm!

We heard a huge *pop* and immediately knew a tree had fallen

Had to run downstairs to check it out

Other branches flying down the street

Morning after

Exploring the morning after

Tree down the street that knocked out windows and another car

:( so sad about our favorite tree

Scaffolding at the el dorado that got ripped up

Peeking into the closed Park

Tree clean up

Checking out downtown NYC during the blackout

Flat Iron out of power

We watched the lights turn on downtown! Heard cheering from all the buildings around us

Pitch black except for NYPD lights in the distance

Of course we had to sneak down to the river

Friday, November 30, 2012

Six Favorite Moments - Canvas Prints

At 8 months after moving in, we can finally say we put the finishing touches on the apartment! We finally added in and made all major changes that we really wanted done. It took us 8 months but it was so worth doing everything ourselves (ok - D did everything, and I just kept it organized) and finding things on sale instead of rushing through it all.
I'll have to do another final before and after post - along with other updates we make along the way!

The finishing touches - six canvas prints of our favorite moments in time together :) These are all photos I have taken throughout our travels. It means the world to me that D loves my photography so much he would blow the images up and make them the focus of our room! I am a very lucky woman :)

Favorite Moments: Puerto Rico (sunset we got engaged), Amsterdam, Thailand, Bali, Egypt, Iceland
~ Favorite trips SO FAR, but many more to come and we can keep updating them :)

Panoramic shot courtesy of my new iPhone5 :) 

Full room shot

our heaven

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bali Map & Flowers Shadowbox

Bali was my favorite country on our honeymoon. Although I loved everywhere we went - Bali has a special place in my heart. The people made the country - they were all caring and wonderful. There were offerings with beautiful flowers and incense burning EVERYWHERE (like, burning in the car everywhere). I am obsessed with incense to begin with, and a country that smells like incense = heaven.
D found this hand drawn map of Bali, and we went out and got a bunch of fake flowers that looks like Bali flowers, and a shadowbox. We burned half an incense, and had our own special Honeymoon Bali Box!


D pinning the Bali map

Elephant crafting pants, of course


Bali Box
Inspiration > Honeymoon pic from Bali - offerings piled up at a Temple

Monday, November 26, 2012

Ultimate Dresser Makeover!!

I am so unbelievably excited about my new dresser. Pretty ridic - but this makes such a big difference in both the piece of furniture and the bedroom! So I'm super excited so let me be. D did such a great job - he painted everything, even fixed my drawers! Then he added new knobs I got from Anthro that totally make the piece.



D removed all the hardware and drawers and started sanding!

First coat of paint!

Filling in the other knob holes to make room for my new ones


Drawers in, Knobs in :)

I love these too much

knobby knobs

Top of my dresser :)

Our ring holder from Thailand :)