Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Experience Hurricane Sandy from the Upper West Side

We recently lived through Hurricane Sandy with the rest of New York City and the Northeast. We were very fortunate to not lose any power, heat or water. The storm was terrifying though, and we had a scary night in the apartment with lots of rain and very loud winds. Our windows shook the entire night, and the giant tree in front of our building was ripped out of the sidewalk. I was certain the other tree would crash through our windows - which actually ended up happening to our neighbors down the street. Below are some of the pictures we took before, during and after the storm.

Before & After

Our treetop window view - Before & After

Street view - Before & After

Loooong lines at the grocery store on Sunday before the storm!

We heard a huge *pop* and immediately knew a tree had fallen

Had to run downstairs to check it out

Other branches flying down the street

Morning after

Exploring the morning after

Tree down the street that knocked out windows and another car

:( so sad about our favorite tree

Scaffolding at the el dorado that got ripped up

Peeking into the closed Park

Tree clean up

Checking out downtown NYC during the blackout

Flat Iron out of power

We watched the lights turn on downtown! Heard cheering from all the buildings around us

Pitch black except for NYPD lights in the distance

Of course we had to sneak down to the river